Blog Post 2: Adjusted Profile Picture

 February 7, 2021

Blog 2: Adjusted Profile Picture

Hi all, for this week I worked on masking a random photo of myself. As of right now, I do not have a LinkedIn profile picture of my liking. What I wanted to achieve doing this project, is to alter my hair color  from how it is presented in the original photo and the final photo. I chose this route, in order to show a drastic change. This was a learning process for sure. It was very complicated at first, but as I kept going I did my best to get the hang of it!

Original Photo:

As you can see in the original photo, I have black straight hair with red streaks throughout. Using this photo, I thought of many ways to use the masking technique to alter it, and came up with changing the red streaks to a different color.

Final Photo:

As you can see in the final photo, the red streaks are now a turquoise blue. I thought that going from red to blue would achieve the drastic change I was going for. Smaller streaks were much more complicated to alter than streaks with bigger patches. 

Screenshot of Edited Photo:

This is my adjustment layer workspace. 

Final Thoughts:

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project. It is allowing me to become more familiar with photoshop, adjustment layers, and editing as a whole. Having red streaks in the original photo, made it a bit more complicated to pick out the perfect hue. Some colors meshed with the red, not showing a clear difference. Using turquoise helped with the desired change I was going for.


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