January 21, 2022


    Welcome everyone! My name is Brittan Butler, a fellow student of yours in COM 1113. When it comes to taking photographs, I am no expert. Sometimes, what I believe is "working the shot," truly is not what it seems but I make it work. Diving into this project has been a great experience, and a way to progress my skills in catching the overall final shot. 

Finding A Theme: 

    For todays assignment, my subject is simply, my dorm bathroom. Anything that catches my eye as the photographer, I snapped a photo of! I am a very imaginative person. I like to look at sightings, objects, and more with a perspective that is more complex than what it is. When taking these photos my main goal was to find things in here that could create something bigger than just a object or subject. I was going for a not too perfect, but also interesting to look at type of vibe. This potentially includes: water, the shower, products, lights, racks and more.


      This photo I like the best. I think viewpoint is a really interesting technique in photography. This photo allows the viewer to interpret their own perspective, mood, and feelings towards the photo. For this photo I turned on the shower because I thought it could be nice to have a photo with some type of water elements in it. It looks like the camera is being showered on, or could possibly be the shower ground. But in another view flipping the photo, it could feel like a shower rack that is hanging from the wall.

    Symmetry and Patterns:

  This photo was complicated to take. I moved around multiple times, trying to get the best possible angles of the blurred detailing accompanied by the lighting. With all the lights on, in the bathroom, the patterns were almost non-existent.Dimming the lights allowed for the patterns to be more eye catching, and added a dramatic effect that turned out pretty cool.

    Focal Point: 

    For this photo, I wanted the skin care products to be the main focus. Having a simple white background, lining them up together shows the small details on the products. The lighting is on in order to capture the full picture and portray the clear small water drips that add texture.


Final Three Photos:

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project! I cannot wait to see what else is in store for this class. 




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